Take the next step in your journey of expression.


Speak with confidence, increase the ability to feel and express anything.


An expression and voice class.

Focused on expanding what is possible, through using the full voice, and emotional capacity. Its time to have fun with our feels.We will use acting, and improvisation as tools to help access emotions and push the boundaries on how and what we share.

We also work technically with the process of how impulse becomes breath and voice.

This includes freeing the face, jaw, throat and tongue to be more supple and relaxed. Less tension lends itself to more feeling. Great for those looking to be more open, enhance speaking ability, or and communicate more freely.

From the loudest cry to the softest sigh, our way is our wills to wake.

What is the innate ability to express?

What are the self imposed and outside influenced limits of self expression

How can spoken verse take us beyond the comfort zone and into the magic of the heart made words?

To be able to go out on a limb a little lightens the load and opens up the room. We are not broadway actors but we are all singers, movers and voices that need to be heard. Speak up. Maybe its time to shake it up?

Two Major Components


– Theatre Practice –


Acting is an opportunity to expand the capacity for feeling and expression. How much do we need to make heard today? This is impulse activation catalyzed through theatre, improvisation, and speech.


– Voice Technique –


Breath becomes voice, feel the sound of going forward from within, imagine what is not being said, spoken, what is needing to be felt, stepped into and owned. With the power of breath, of movement, of emotional connection this is the walking theatre of life.



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